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In the overall preparation, pay attention to General Studies on a long term basis because of the nature of syllabus, trends of the questions and the significance of the subject. Best Civil Services Coaching in Ludhiana

General Studies have emerged as a challenge in recent years. There was change in GS syllabus in 2007-08 which made is more comprehensive & complicated. Then the year 2009 onwards, there has been a drastic change in the nature of the questions. The conventional types of questions have ceased to occur in the examination.

Finally in the year 2012-13 the syllabus has been restructured. Two papers consisting of 600 marks substituted by four papers consisting of 1000 marks.

Because of changes in the syllabus & changes in the nature of the questions, traditional teaching by most of the GS institutes has lost relevance since 2008-09. Students began to get 100-250 level of marks out of 600 (including top rankers). Most began to qualify on the basis of higher marks in two optional subjects consisting of 1200 marks.

But now, there is only one optional subject of 500 marks and GS of 1000 marks, reliance on optional subjects as in previous pattern has lost meaning. The only choice is to improve GS and try to obtain higher level of marks out of 1000 marks.

So, now there is an urgent need to consider greater reliance on GS in new pattern.

Please do not prepare GS (Main) and GS (Preliminary) separately or GS (Preliminary) first and then GS (Main). The syllabus of GS (Main) and GS (Preliminary) has a vast overlap, many topics are same, linkages are very dominant etc., So one should not separate the preparation.

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